To keep you warm I proudly present you:

O, Mr. Winter will not stop this year.
Oh well..
I wasn't planning on stopping either. :-)

To keep you warm I proudly present you: 

A heavenly blue badcape, NYC specials, and many more Maurice hats! 

Specials:  NYC Maurice's

NYC Pixie dust soft orange
you can wear it like this

or like this

 NYC Pixie dust Grass Green

Xx from New York City! 


Badcape: new color

You all know this classic Maurice Badcape. 

But think a little out of the box:


And I realized, holy shit, it'd come full circle!

And so,

my muse, Maurice, is my granddaddy.
The lady in red is my loving granny.

They are pleased to meet you.

Xx Maurice

Granddaddy Maurice

Granny in red.